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Common Causes of Gullet Cracks in Band Saw Blades

Causes of Gullet Cracks in Band Saw Blades

When band saw blades are over-used, they may begin to experience back cracking ? a serious issue that can damage your blade permanently. This issue can be caused by many problems ranging from a wide variety of issues we will cover in this video. Looking out for these fourteen common issues, you can help prevent band saw blades backs from cracking.

One of the main problems that causes saw blade back cracks is when you have your machine?s guide arms spread to far apart, so be sure to keep them properly spread. Always make sure the guide to wheel alignment is correct and that the guides are not too tight. If the top guide is missing, then back cracking is a definite risk to your operation.

If you observe the band saw blade rubbing on the wheel flange, than that can be a sign that back cracks had occurred. Making sure your top guide doesn?t have a notch on it can help prevent back crack. Additionally, if the bend of the saw is too straight than back crack may occur.

Before starting up the saw make sure your speed settings are set correctly and always make sure the saw is not run for too long. Make sure the feed rate is set correctly and the pressure isn?t too high. And always ensure that the saw has the proper amount of tension.

Gullet cracks are a common problem which can stem from a great number of variables. Unlike most blade problems, the most likely causes for gullet cracks lie with the machine, and not the blade itself. Although most cases are unique, the following is a list of the most common reasons for gullet cracks.

  1. Straightness of band.
  2. Guides too tight.
  3. Tension too high.
  4. Feed rate too heavy.
  5. Coolant flow too low.
  6. Coolant mix improper.
  7. Guide arms misaligned.
  8. Feed pressure too high.
  9. Wheel damaged or dirty.
  10. Speed too fast.
  11. Running time too long.
  12. Bad wheel bearings.
  13. Guide to Wheel alignment is bad.

Last but not least, always keep track of your coolant mix and flow to make sure that it is properly functioning. If you have any questions, please don?t hesitate to call at 800-754-6920. Our experienced customer service professionals are ready to take your call.